
Fasten your seat belt... In

Fasten your seat belt... In her speech she plans to shake things..& the people are with her. Is she the new boss @ hq?


Anonymous said...

Did she already have her acceptance speech prepared? You go

Anonymous said...

In regard to being over the HQ which means being over men in ministry, where can you say in the Bible that it is Biblical for a woman to be over men

Anonymous said...

talk about throwing down the gauntlet.....

Anonymous said...

The Wesleyan Church believes that woman can be called to be ministers as well as men. So in turn as shown by our vote we believe if you can lead the spiritual direction of a congregation you can lead the the spiritual direction of a denomination.
I am happy to be a Wesleyan today.

Larry D. Maddox said...

It has been said that behind every great man there is a woman. In the case of J. Lyon it might be soon said that behind every great general superintendent there are two men. For the first time in a long time I am excited about the future of The Wesleyan Church.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I just posted my thoughts at: http://www.jameswatkins.com

I'll need to add a link to the church's defense of women in ministry. Wesleyan's have been supporters of women in ministry since the 1850s. It just took us this long to elect one to the highest office.


Ken Schenck said...

I wholeheartedly believe that God has called Dr. Lyon to this task--how else could she have been elected in a church that is far from politically correct. I believe God has laid this vision on her heart for some time. And of course, since she is a truly gifted leader, I would have thought less of her skills if she had not thought of what she would she on such an occasion.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean the death of "good boys club" in The Wesleyan Church? I think not, but it's a nice start!

Keith Drury said...

Dave Holdren is a friend and hiking companion of mine... but this time around I was in JoAnne's corner on the election...

She is not going to be a passive leader... she is a tornado and intends to lead the church... I'm ready for her and believe her to be the primary God-anointed leader of our denomination... even if she is one-of-three... I accept her vision, challenge, correction, and rebuke as from God... so I admit she is (to me) a sort of Wesleyan Pope ;-)

Keith Drury said...

Jim watkins article on
Joanne Lyon

Kevin Wright said...

I firmly believe Dr. Lyon to be a God-ordained leader for our denomination. I cannot say that about some of our other G.S's, and by the looks of their votes, the General Conference can't either.

Marc said...

God uses Joann - I'll answer to her authority (sooner than many men I run into).

I too am proud of our denomination. Yes, because they elected a woman. But even more so because they elected an excellent candidate without regard for her being a woman.

Anonymous said...

I cheered when I listend to the message that tole me she won while riding on my bike. If i had an extra hand it would have been raised. I don't know Holdren. I just appreciate what I know of Lyon. There are a few membership requirements we have been forgetting for a while...I think she will bubble them to the surface...boil them perhaps.

Good for her to be ready to communicate. The best communicator in the room leads. ;)

Michelle said...

As an ordained female pastor I must say I am delighted about Jo Anne Lyon as our new GS. She is an amazing woman who is annointed by God and I know she will continue to serve Him whole heartedly in this new position.

And it is not just because she is a woman! A pastor (male) that I admire greatly once told me "Ministry is not about being the best woman pastor you can be, it is about being the best pastor (or in this case GS) that you can be for God's use."
They are our elected leaders - please be supportive of them...even when their vote might not be that great or even if one is a woman!

Michelle Bryant

RX in SC said...

I grew up in the Wesleyan church, attended a Wesleyan college & worked for one of our universities for a few years after graduation. I have deep ties to the Wesleyan church, but left over what I felt to be inconsistencies in the church's theology. We can ordain women but an individual cannot become a member of the local body of Christ unless they pledge to never touch a drop of alcohol or smoke a cigarette. This seemed to me like the church was majoring on the minors & putting up roadblocks to Christ that He didn't put there for us. Paul did, however, outline the qualifications to be an elder in the church and being a woman was an automatic disqualifier.

I too have met Ms. Lyons, have heard her speak and have been inspired by her. She is without a doubt an incredibly gifted woman...but she is not a man and as such is not able to meet the criteria to be in this position of leadership. When I heard the news of this election today, I found it incredibly frustrating. I hear there's also a vote to come regarding the church's archaic social standards for membership. Something tells me there will be more debate over that issue and more difficulty with crossing THAT line than there was with really just completely disregarding Biblical guidelines for leadership within the church. I really believe the Wesleyan Church has lost her way and it saddens me to see this happen.

David Drury said...

We have seen the end of one era: the Earle Wilson era. We have begun another: the JoAnne Lyon era.

She will not likely live long enough to serve as long as Earle did. However, I hope her influence grows as wide or wider in our denomination. I think it already runs as deep.

I can't wait.
