
Monday Evening Service--Jim Garlow

Jim Garlow spoke tonight more powerfully than I've ever heard at general Conference....

I won’t even try to outline his address —just trust me ... get a copy when it is posted on the E&M web site at headquarters… This is the best message I’ve ever heard for ministers on how God creates a holy people… maybe even simply the best message I've ever heard for ministers on any subject.... wow!


Rev. Rick Carder '87 / ' 03 said...

WOW INDEED! Dr. Garlow hit a home run. I appreciated his vulnerability and honesty. He certainly struck a cord with me!

Community Holiness seems to be achieved through personal and corporate struggles of godly people united by collective passion to know and experience God. One author (whom i forget his name) wrote A People Saturated with God seems to tie holiness with community repentence and humility. This is one of my favorite books worth a re-read. I have been driven back to this as I heard Garlow.

David Drury said...

Yes... this message would be powerful at many minister's conferences.
Healing... hopeful... heart-breaking...