
M190 monthly communion passes unanimously!!

M190 monthly communion passes unanimously!!


Keith Drury said...

While this memorial reflects a major trend, and is not a "requirment" per se, it will be examined later as a significant shift in the church's history.

Duke said...

What is the larger watershed moment of GC - JoAnne Lyon elected as GS, or monthly communion? Which will change the face and experience of the local church more?
My guess - monthly communion is a meta-shift for the Wesleyan Church.

kerry kind said...

The untold story on M190: I taught "Wesleyan Polity and Discipline" at Asbury Seminary in January 2008. One assignment was to write a Memorial for the GC and defend it in class. An anonymous UM student (extremely sharp) took the class because he is considering changing denominations. He wrote the first draft of this Memorial for his assignment! I tinkered with it and sent it to the Generals with his permission. They moved it from Constitutional to statutory and made it optional, but strongly recommended. The best parts of this Memorial are from the student (with suggestions from Joe Dongell).

Keith Drury said...

Boy THANKS for that background info Kerry!!!!! Here is an example of how one student can change the Discipline... when a bunch of super church pastors seem to be mystified by the process of how to change It ;-)